It was supposed to be an outdoor water party. Squirt guns, water balloons, a hose attached slippin' (water) slide, etc. Then it decided to be cold & rainy despite all of Samantha's planning and effort. So we had to move Liam's 7th indoors.We have a tradition of having our kids make their own cake every year from scratch & self decorate it which they really love to do. This year was no different.

All of the cousins were invited over to be with Liam for his special event. Technically we're celebrating it a week early. Sam did a good job running the kid-games & keeping them enthused and active. Eventually it was time to have cake.

Here we see the only other girl cousin of the family, Baby Bethany who gets a piggy-back ride on Aunt Jana's back, who will be expecting baby #3 come December.

Liam's gifts were awesome & he did a job sharing so that they were enjoyed by everybody. He got lots of Pirates of the Caribbean type stuff, Transformers, X-men, a cool Pirate trivia game and the latest addiction of the summer, a Webkin. Overall despite the soft weather, Liam had a fun party and we'd like to thank everybody who came and could share the day with us.