Monday, September 24, 2007

Natalie & Justin Come to the Zoo with Us

Following up on our trip to the lake, we told Gilly for her birthday last week, that she could take a friend to the zoo. Natalie & Gilly have been friends since they were both in dipers, so we packed up the minivan and headed down to Highland Park.

We enjoyed the animals, and the kids got to see a lot. The new Polar World exhibbit was also very neat. The kids really enjoyed the monkey house as well. Here is a picture where I told them to pose like their cousins. They resemble such good little advanced upper- primates don't you think?

Stealing it Back...

One of the nice things about having the cottage, is that occasionally you might have a spot of good weather in late September, which can seem summer-like. This was our plan a week ago, but then the weather dipped into the 50's with rain which made the cottage a miserable place to be. This past weekend however fit the Indian Summer bill, so we jumped in the car and headed north for one last weekend on the sand.

The weather was warm, I'd say about 80 degrees and the beach was pretty sandy. My buddy Steve came up the lake with us, and we finally finished working on the front porch screens. It wasn't all work though, since we did manage to get some beach time in, and Steve even took a dip in the 65 degree water along with Liam.

The sand was unlike I've ever seen! The water level is far down as well, as the US Army Corp of Engineers lowers the lake level via the Welland Canal in expectation of the upcoming month's snow melt. Here we see the munchkins building a sand castle, which I'm still told by my parents 2 days later is still standing. Oh well, no more sand castles till next summer. But it sure was nice stealing a weekend back from the summer.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Gilly-Bean's 9th Birthday!

The 3rd birthday in what seems as in many weeks came upon the "Bean", as she turns 9 years old. Since Mac & Cheese is her favorite meal, here we see exquisite dining at the Farrell house. We let the Birthday person of honor choose the dinner entree.

Due to time constraints, we broke with the tradition of making a cake, especially after last year's disaster with a failed Strawberry (red) cake which Gillian couldn't even stomach. Anyway, Giant Eagle to the rescue.

Gillian got a lot of nice cards, presents, & money from family members. Thanks to all those who remembered her on her special day. Some of the presents she got was a Harry Potter Assembly kit (from Phil & Vee), a Shrek 3 Video game, A Webkin (kitty), a science kit with micro-scope, and a few other knick-nacks from her brothers.

The following night we got to visit her school for open house, and meet her and Liam's new teachers this year. It was a nice evening, and they really like their new school building.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

More Birthday Celebrations

My parents came up the other day and stayed for dinner. Dad took a job directing the choir at a local church, which gave Gram Ma a chance to give the kids piano lessons later in the evening. I think this is Gillian's 3rd or 4th year now! Liam is entering his 2nd. Gillian and my Mom have upcoming birthdays, and are only a few days apart.

Happy Birthday Mom if you are reading this!!!

After dinner Tristan opened his cards and presents. He got a set of trucks & cars, a memory game, and a cowboys & indian play set. Gillian got a punch out book called Wedding gowns & paper dolls, a book called Meet Kaya, a new shirt with a jacket & a pack of M&M's! Since we didn't have cake we had to settle for chocolate ice cream from the farm for desert. Lately we buy a lot of organic food and milk from a near by farm on my way home from work. It tastes better and there are no steroids, hormone chemicals, or anti-biotics in the milk!

Monday, September 10, 2007

Tristy Turns the big "4"

It was a fun birthday for the Tristanator.

First he woke up asked his mother "when do I get to be four?" To which Samantha replied, "You are already four." He still doesn't get the whole birthday magic thing. He's waiting for an actual birthday fairy to tell him he's a year older I guess.

Anyway following the family tradition, Tristan got to help his mother make the birthday cake. The eggs carton dropped on the floor, but luckily Mom had a spare carton in the fridge. After the cake was made, it was off to Wexford to the "Rainy Day Playhouse" where Aiden, Andrew & Ethan joined Tristy as they bounced around. Since they didn't purchase the birthday party officially, they were repremanded for singing the Happy Birthday song, which is a bunch of BS. So they sang softly anyway.

Once back at home, Tristy picked spaghetti & meatballs as his favorite dinner. Cake & ice cream were to follow. Then he enjoyed the very cake he made earlier that day. (With the help of Mom of course)

Thanks to those who sent Tristan cards, money & gifts. Official thank-yous will be soon forth coming. Some of the presents Tristan got were a view-master (from Phil), die-cast air planes (from Dad), Superman X-ray eyes (from Mom), a real mini-guitar (from both of us), a stuffed animal (from Gilly) & a Pirate action pack (From Liam)

Thanks again to those of you who helped us celebrate.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

I'm famous!!!

Took Liam down to a Pens rally to see the new uniforms. Ch 4 was there with the cameras to interview us. I was on TV last night! You can read about the news story here.

Monday, September 3, 2007

Labor Day Weekend with the Yaugers...

Ed, Tammy, Annette & Miranda were on-hand this weekend at the lake. The Yauger family rented Linda Warner's cottage this past week and the kids really enjoyed playing with each other over the long weekend. Earlier that week, Ed's parents came up and stayed for a few days without the kids. They enjoyed going to the falls & hitting the Casinos.

On Sunday, we all went miniature golfing in celebration of Liam's birthday (last week), only to learn that Aldrich's dairy & ice cream bar will be closing after 40 yrs of business. No more "Meat & Ice Cream" sign. :-(

Then it was a day at the beach, as the weather cooperated nicely for the weekend. The Hello Kitty kite got a work-out, as did the nerf football, as Liam practiced his throwing and catching with his Dad in the water & on the beach. It wasn't all fun though, since the end of the summer marked the annual bringing up of the sail boat, which I only got in the water 3 times this year. :-( Oh well, thanks to Ed & Bob for helping me haul it up the ramp.

Soon the Yaugers had to go, and before we joined them on the long drive south, we did the annual measurement & family picture on the swing. Tristy grew 3" over the past year, while both Liam & Gilly only grew 2 &1/2" This made Tristy realize that there may be hope one day of catching up to his older siblings one day. "I'm growing! I'm growing!" he cried! For whatever reason, each year we do our best to get a serious picture on the swing, yet this never works out well. Someone always blinks or cries despite 40 takes. This was the best shot I had out of about a dozen snaps. Hopefully my Dad got a better one. (If so, please post it)