Monday, October 29, 2007

Trick or Treat!

Well, its that time of year again. Ghosts, Goblins, and Farrell kids are on the prowl for candy. Here we see Jack Sparrow, a Spider Enchantress, and Bat Man in their spooky outfits. Luckily the rain let up last Friday night so the kiddies didn't get soaked. They scored big on the candy collecting, as their Mom drove around the town and returned home after an hour or so. I stayed home to pass out candy to the neighbors, which seem to be fewer and fewer each year.

We also have the tradition of carving the family pumpkin, which the kids design themselves. We put a candle inside of it, and set it out on our doorstep. The kids also have their own small pumpkins which they grew themselves in the garden this past summer. They'll get around to painting scary faces on those, and have them set out on the step as well.

Happy Halloween everyone!

More Cemetery Fun

The Indian Caves

I took Liam and Tristan to find the Indian Caves over in the cemetery. When I mentioned their might be a raccoon sleeping in there, they decided to go back to the car! When we got back down the hill, the "Watchy" was sitting there in his car watching us. Thankfully, he then drove off. We then went on to visit some neat places and had a great day!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Peer Leadership Weekend

About a year or two ago, my buddy Jack kept after me for years to come out for Peer Leadership, which is an event that happens twice a year in the Spring and Fall. This is a School sponsored event where about 45 kids from various grade levels 9-11 accompany a handful of teachers and head out to camp (Pine Valley, near Elwood City) for the weekend. The kids even get to call us teachers by our first names for the weekend, and the atmosphere is positive and no put downs are allowed. This was my 2nd time going, and I had a blast.

While there, the students are involved in all sorts of activities. Some of the cool things we do are "Steal the Bacon" in the mud pit, where kids get their number called, and have to dive into the mud to try and play tug of war with the inner-tube. We also do all sorts of discussion groups about peer pressure, self respect building, bullying, put-downs, and other kinds of stuff. My buddy, X-Karns City Teacher, Denny Barger created something called the Starfish program, which has been enacted in over 240+ Pa. schools, and he's spoken to over 100,000 kids across the state of Pa. He was one of the original teachers that enacted this program.

The next day, we head over to the Geneva University ropes course. There, the kids are taught how to work together as a team to overcome obsticles. The weekend is dedicated to helping kids cope with growing up in today's world, and usually by the last meeting of the weekend, kids each take a turn standing up in front of the group and have great things to say about themselves and each other.

Its one of the more rewarding things I get to do as a teacher working with kids, watching them grow in just 2 days. Then we turn them back over to the high school and hope they remember the Peer Leadership life lessons, and experiences.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Samantha Hits the Silver Screen (with Tom Atkins)

My buddy Gavin Rapp is filming a suspense thriller type movie called Trapped. Anyway, I got an e-mail from him the other day in which he asked if Sam might be interested in playing a small part in a shoot with Tom Atkins. Some of you may know him from the recent Pittsburgh Public Theater production, "The Chief". He's playing the part of a detective in this story, and Sam was his assistant playing the role of a medical examiner called to the scene of a murder which is the basis of the storyline.

Anyway, while not filming, Sam and I got a chance to hang around the set on top of a beautiful overlook overseeing the Allegheny River Valley from atop a mansion-like venue in Fox Chapel. By looking at the picture, you can get an idea of the view this place had. I have shots of the house but they really don't do it justice. The food on set & the company of people were excellent, and Sam did a great job playing the role of Medical Examiner for the afternoon.

Tom and the crew were really friendly, and Gavin had as all laughing, as he attempted to play the body double of a dead guy, but couldn't stop moving/breathing for several of the takes. :-) We are really happy he was able to let us be a part of his film making passion. Trapped will most likely be released next summer, and meantime we wish Gavin and Winter Morning Pictures all the best in the film's success.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Closing Down the Cottage.

Ever since 1990, the Slippery Rock gang and I have been heading up in Oct to close down the cottage. This past weekend, the weather was amazing! 83F was something to behold. The boys and I enjoyed a cold brew on the beach, warm sun on our face, and even got in the water a bit. It was heaven.

We played softball afterwards, and here is a group picture of us after the game. Eventually the fun stopped and the work began. Now the cottage is closed down for six months and we won't return until April to open it up again. Thanks for the help guys!