Friday, February 22, 2008

Captain Jack Damico (Karns City Teacher)

This is one of my best friends, Jack. He and I have taught next door to each other for 15 years now. At age 38 this guy is both a math teacher and an ardent Republican, but I try not to hold either of those against him. :-)

This past fall, Jack's unit became activated and he was whisked away to the hills of Afghanistan on a humanitarian mission. Here we see him decked out in his gear, posing for my students with bullet holes riddled behind him. He says their winters are a lot like ours, but this year they are really breaking some record cold temps.

Jack is based outside of Mazar-e-Sharif in the northern most part of the country. His unit is made up of a mobile field hospital, and I thought I'd post his picture here on my blog for our mutual friends to get a glimpse of ole "Captain Jack". Our troops there are passing out blankets, gloves, and giving medical aid to the "northern alliance" folks, who helped the US back in 2001 sack the Taliban.

Unfortunately Jack had to leave behind his newborn baby, Nicholas and his wife Terra. The timing of the US government wasn't really a factor in this scenario. Jack and I e-mail each other just about every other day, and occasionally we can even talk over Skype VOiP Internet. Here's hoping he comes home safe & soon so I can pester him for 15+ more years!

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