Sunday, March 30, 2008

Splash Lagoon, Erie Pa.

The family took a vacation this weekend up to Splash Lagoon for the weekend. We stayed at a hotel and got a 2 day pass to the indoor water park. The temp outside (snow on the ground) was a blistering 35 degrees! Inside was 83 F, and the water is even warmer.

The kids had fun on the lazy river, water slides and hot tubs. We met up with my old school friend Russ Hall & his girl friend, who now live up in Erie. Then after dinner we went out to the theater to see Horton Hears a Who. (Gillian gives it two thumbs up!)

Stopped at the Grove City outlets for some Spring sales (School clothes) on the way home and had ice cream at Eat'n Park. It was a very fun and enjoyable weekend.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Trapped Info

Some of you have been asking about when does Sam's big "silver screen" debut occur? The release date for the film is still not set, but I think it's coming out over the summer at some point.

So I thought I'd put a few links up for folks to see. Here is a Trailer for the movie.

My buddy Gavin Rapp produced & directed Trapped as a sort of stepping stone film, with his real objective being the telling of his life story; that involving his Mom and her days of singing with the Skyliners.

Here in this clip he talks to Tom Atkins about filming his new film "Since I Don't Have You" which is based off Gav's perspective as a kid growing up caught in the middle of the Skyliners and his mother's tragic suicide. I read the script and I really hope Gav gets to tell this story. I think people will really like it.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Easter Dinner

Dad cooked a wonderful Ham, and we were joined by the extended McEntee clan as we all sat around for a pleasant Easter Dinner. Vee made a killer salad, Sam made Green Beans, Mary Louise made some awesome Spinach Lasagna, while Gram McEntee supplied the brownies for desert afterwards. Erin & Colin were fresh off the plane, back from Florida.

Here we see my children giving the old man a "power wedgie" tormenting the poor fellow. Soon Bob will head back down to Florida for a sailing adventure along the Florida keys with Jimmy Foley. I believe the plan is for him to update the blog if he is able. The man makes retirement look better and better each year.

Great Grand Kids (Easter Sunday)

All 7 of the Great grand children were present for Easter Sunday at the Farrell's homestead. It was a packed room, but we finally got their picture together... Well, Brianna was out of this shot, mainly because she wouldn't leaver her Mother's arms. Anyway, 6 out of 7 kids in this shot is about as good as I could get.

Everybody got lots of cool candy and Easter treats. Bubbles were a big hit as well. Gram looked good and was up and moving around. Everybody had a good time, including Cousin Finnigan, who is getting an early start on his Piano career. What a true Farrell... Oozing with musical talent. :-)

Birthday Fun

Aidan & Andrew (Adam's kids) invited the whole family to Olympic Fun park this past Saturday. Its an indoor play area, which entails all sorts of play areas, laser tag, roller skating, and a whole lot more. We were there for 4 long hours, and while the kids had a real blast, their father was on the verge of insanity.

Anyway, everybody had fun otherwise and the kids enjoyed all the games and stuff to do.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Easter Egg Fun

Dad's Birthday, St. Paddy's day & Easter (Same week!!!)

Last week my folks had us down for dinner, where we got to dye Easter Eggs with the kiddies. Easter falls very early this year, in fact the next time Easter will be this early (March 23) will
be the year 2228 (220 years from now)

Of course that's also how old my father is, as we celebrated another birthday of his (again) :-) Here we see him blowing out the candles of his cake. Lot of memories from the Ireland trip came up again as we celebrated both St. Paddy's day and his birthday in the same weekend.

Strolling down Amnesia Lane...

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Farrell Family R/R Ties

A buddy of mine (Mike) works for the Allegheny Valley Rail Road. I shared with him an old family picture taken back in the 1930's of my Great Grand Father Robert A. Farrell, who used to work in Lawrenceville on the railroad. Below he is pictured on the extreme left (with his foot on the rail)

My buddy wrote back an e-mail and stated some following info:

You are correct, your great granddad would have worked for the Pennsylvania Railroad if he worked in Lawrenceville. The engine in the picture looks like a "switch engine" that would have been used to delivery cars to local industries. The "Pennsy" was the biggest and most powerful of the major eastern railroads, and was known as the "standard Railroad of the World" for the innovations and organization of the system they operated. The line through Lawrenceville was part of a line that ran all the way through Oakmont, Oil City, Franklin and up to Buffalo. Over time, the Pennsy merged with other railroads (I'll save you all the details) and most of the major routes they operated around Pittsburgh are now operated by Norfolk Southern.

Many of the original Pennsy lines became duplicate with other routes as a result of the mergers in the 60's and 70's and were abandoned or downgraded. The line thru Lawrecville to Buffalo was abandoned north of New Kensington PA in the 90's. The section from Pittsburgh thru Lawrencville to New Ken was later sold to a local shortline company known as:

The Allegheny Valley Railroad, which yes is owned by Carload Express, the company I work for!! We operate a train through Lawrenceville 5 nights per week, serving many customers in the area all the way between the strip district and New Ken, just as the engine your great granddad was standing in front of would have done. I thought you'd enjoy a couple of pics of the area and our crews at work where your great granddad would have been:

A link to a shot one of my friends took of our evening crew working down around 43rd st in Lawrenceville:

And attached is a shot of our afternoon train headed to exchange cars with the NS with Lawrenceville in the background.

Saturday, March 8, 2008


A month or so ago, while my folks were in Florida, I snagged a couple of old Negley Avenue "era" photo books and thought I might scan some pictures from yesteryear. Here's just a sample of some of my 1980's scans. There are some long lost loved ones that will be preserved for my own family for generations to come so scanning them is a labor of love which I enjoy.

For Erin & I, these years represented the "Golden age" of our childhoods. My own kids enjoy looking at pictures of me back when I had hair. :-) If I get time, I'll post more.
