Thursday, March 27, 2008

Trapped Info

Some of you have been asking about when does Sam's big "silver screen" debut occur? The release date for the film is still not set, but I think it's coming out over the summer at some point.

So I thought I'd put a few links up for folks to see. Here is a Trailer for the movie.

My buddy Gavin Rapp produced & directed Trapped as a sort of stepping stone film, with his real objective being the telling of his life story; that involving his Mom and her days of singing with the Skyliners.

Here in this clip he talks to Tom Atkins about filming his new film "Since I Don't Have You" which is based off Gav's perspective as a kid growing up caught in the middle of the Skyliners and his mother's tragic suicide. I read the script and I really hope Gav gets to tell this story. I think people will really like it.

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