After about 1" of rain last night, Soccer season started bright and early this morning. 8 AM Gillian and Natalie (on the same team) got to play in the mud which resembled something of a WW1 battlefield-like mush. Unfortunately she lost 5-0 but Beanie had fun and didn't seem to mind. (note her pink mud pants below?)

Then it was a 9 AM game for Tristan. This was to be his first organized sport-type game which at first he enjoyed. About 5 minutes into the game he came over to the sidelines and wanted to go home. Crying in disgust about not scoring a goal and the muddy conditions, we gave him a pep speech and sent him back onto the pitch, where eventually his spirits turned around. By the 2nd half he was smiling and laughing enjoying himself in the mud. Tristan's team won 3-1 and we think he's going to stick with it.

The final 11 AM game (Liam's) took place in the worst field conditions of the day. Liam looks to be in the best physical shape (due to hockey) than all of his team mates. He never got tired and controlled the pace of the game... until his show got plugged in the mud and came off. Liam fell face first into the mud, but like a real trooper went back out and played his game wet & mud ridden. Unfortunately Liam lost 4-1, but he also had fun.
I forgot my camera, but I did snap a few pics with my cell phone which just doesn't do a good job. Sam and I spent 4 hours walking the side lines in the slop with wet feet in 41 degree air. The kids had fun, so it was worth it. :-)
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