Sunday, April 27, 2008

Spring Pilgrimage

Since 1990, my SRU buddies have been making a trip up to the lake to help me open and close for the summer. We hold a get-away weekend twice a year in Oct. & April, and it tends to be full of fun, beer drinking, horse shoes, football, poker, etc.

At first it was my Slippery Rock friends, but over the years it has grown to the point where we sometimes get as many as 20-25 different people (not all at one time) that frequent the event. Here are some pictures from this weekend. Some of you know my college room mate, Ed. Here he tends the fire, since it was 75 degrees friday night.

We had awesome weather, although a slight cold front came through Saturday. A yearly tradition is a touch football game between the SRU grads (nicknamed affectionately: Tards) vs the non SRU grads. Here is a group shot after the game. Of course Ed was acting goofy, but that's Ed.

The cottage was under construction, but it didn't interfere with our plans. It should be finished up this week, and soon our family will return to the lake after the drawn out off season.

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