Thursday, November 8, 2007

Happy Birthday Gram and Erin

We all took a ride over to the "dark side" to visit Erin and her and Grandma McEntee to lunch to celebrate their birthdays. First, we stopped to see Erin's house. Maggie and Grammy Farrell never saw it. Everybody loved all the old pictures. After the visit we all went to Aladdin's restaurant and had a great lunch. Presents were given as you can see.


Irish said...

Great Pics! Happy birthday Erin & Gram! Looks like you folks had a nice lunch and got some nice presents. Hope all is well.


Unknown said...

Thanks for coming over & for all those who sent me beautiful cards! It was a wonderful celebration!
oxo erin

Unknown said...

Thanks for coming over & for all those who sent me beautiful cards! It was a wonderful celebration!
oxo erin

Unknown said...

Thanks for coming over & for all those who sent me beautiful cards! It was a wonderful celebration!
oxo erin