Nobody makes stuffing like my Gram-Ma. I wait 2 years in-between servings and boy is it worth it! This year saw Phil & Vee McEntee, my Mom & Dad, Mary Louise, Ann McEntee, and my family squeeze in around the table and stuff ourselves full. Here we see a picture of Phil, using the
New York Times website method of carving the hallowed turkey.

One nice thing we got to do after dinner was each go around the table and state why we are thankful. Each of us shared a special reason and the mix was as diverse as to the opening of the 31st street bridge as it was to being thankful to the troops serving overseas away from their families.

Dessert was out of this world, sporting pumpkin, apples and chocolate pies along with hot coffee. We then each took turns reading thanksgiving prayers from various cultures, as spotted in a Post Gazette article Mom found in the paper. Phil read an e-mail about the Pilgrims struggles during the founding of the Plymouth colony, and connected it to today's reasons to be thankful.
Our family has a lot to be thankful for.
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